Full-time Offices:
We do not have any offices available at this time. To be placed on our waiting list please contact Sara Downing at [email protected].
Available Sublets:
Please make these arrangements directly with the tenant offering the sublet.
#6/7 downstairs - Large counselling office Available Sundays Fully furnished with chairs, sofa, and desk. Contact Jennifer Nelson: [email protected] #9 downstairs - massage/body work office Wednesday all day, Saturday 3-6pm, Sunday 12-6pm Contact: Angel da Silva at 647-297-9938 or [email protected] #6 upstairs - larger counselling office Fridays and Sundays all day and potentially another day in the week Contact: Dan Rooney at 416-985-7331 or [email protected] #9 upstairs - counselling office Saturdays and Sundays Contact: Gillian Frise at 647-444-9453 or [email protected] There is also part-time office space available at Boomerang Pilates, which is located in the same building as us. |
Advertising and Support:
Contract Requirements:
The Village Healing Centre has a general liability and property insurance policy.
Tenants are required to have their own professional liability insurance. They are also required to be properly registered or licensed for their particular modality. |
Pay It Forward: |
Because the affordable rent combined with advertising, and being part of an active Centre is of such great value, the Centre requires its practitioners and teachers to offer their services for a more affordable price, (lower end of market value, sliding scale, etc).
Our intention is not for practitioners to make less money. In fact, we would like to see them make a better living. A more affordable rate scale for clients results in more clients and more frequent treatments. As part of a Centre with many different types of healing modalities, practitioners automatically promote one another. When clients are familiar with The Village Healing Centre, they are inclined to use other services offered. |